*To give you an idea of how much bedding that is, you can clean a 2×3 C&C approximately 12 times! That’s just over $1 per cleaning.
Kleenmama Timothy Pellets, 10 lbs. for $14.00
Oxbow Cavy Cuisine, 10lb bag for $12.00 (note* we have a limited supply of Oxbow left so please order early)
Nail trimming: $3
Boar “cleansing”: $5
Healthy Pig Check: $10 (includes all above) **
** Orange County Cavy Haven volunteers are not veterinarians and we do not claim to have any veterinary expertise. The Healthy Pig Check is to be used as a guide for the guinea pig owners to monitor their pet’s health. It is not intended as a diagnostic tool and OCCH volunteers will not diagnose or treat illnesses. Please see your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your guinea pig’s health.
Fleece blankets, Pillows, Cozies, Cuddle Cups and other cage accessories available for sale on-site
INSTRUCTIONS: Please place your order by e-mailing cavyhavensupplies@yahoo.com
You will then be emailed a confirmation invoice with your purchase total***.
***Paypal is the preferred method of payment. If paying by check or money order, please be sure to mail your payment in at least 1 to 2 weeks prior to the event.
There may be a limited amount of products to buy on-site but you must prepay in order to guarantee receipt.
[If you are paying by check or money order, you must order by midnight November 3rd. Orders placed between Midnight November 3rd and Midnight November 7th must be paid by paypal.]
There will be an applicable state sales tax applied to all orders.
See attached flyer for map/directions.
OCCH thanks you for your support!
Guinea Pig Adoption Event
Sunday, October 14th from 11AM to 2PM
Centinela Pet & Feed
2320 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa
(in the Harbor Shopping Center next to Home Depot)
(714) 540-4036
Come meet some of our adoptable guinea pigs! We will be offering guinea pig grooming services and there will be volunteers on hand to answer any guinea pig care questions you may have.
See attached flyer or email cavyhaven_info@yahoo.com for more info.
Supply Day Fundraiser – Saturday, September 15th 2007
Need hay? We got it!
***We are now taking orders for Orange County Cavy Haven’s SUPPLY DAY FUNDRAISER on Saturday, September 15th 2007 from 11AM to 2PM ***
100% of the proceeds go to the guinea pigs
Timothy hay is the most widely used of the grass hays. Guinea pigs love the seedheads.
1 flake: $6.00 – a 13 gallon trash bag full of hay!
4 flakes: $18.00 *get one flake free!*
Orchard Grass is similar to timothy hay but softer and leafier. Mixing it with timothy offers your pet variety and encourages them to eat more hay.
1 flake: $6.00 – a 13 gallon trash bag full of hay!
4 flakes: $18.00 *get one flake free!*
*To give you an idea of how much bedding that is, you can clean a 2×3 C&C approximately 12 times! That’s just over $1 per cleaning.
Kleenmama Pellets, 10 lbs. for $14.00
Oxbow Cavy Cuisine, 10lbs. for $11.00
Nail trimming: $3
Boar “cleansing”: $5
Healthy Pig Check: $10 (includes all above) **
** Orange County Cavy Haven volunteers are not veterinarians and we do not claim to have any veterinary expertise. The Healthy Pig Check is to be used as a guide for the guinea pig owners to monitor their pet’s health. It is not intended as a diagnostic tool and OCCH volunteers will not diagnose or treat illnesses. Please see your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your guinea pig’s health.
C&C CAGES – custom-made cages available for pre-order!
*Please place order by September 7th; deposit required for cage orders. Email for prices.
Fleece blankets, Pillows, Cozies, Cuddle Cups and other cage accessories available for sale on-site.
Place your order by e-mailing cavyhavensupplies@yahoo.com by midnight Wednesday September 12th. You will then be sent an invoice.***
*** Paypal is the preferred method of payment, but you can also pay by check. Please make sure the check arrives at least one week prior to the event.
There will be an applicable state sales tax applied to all orders.
See attached flyer for event address.
OCCH thanks you for your support!
Guinea Pig Adoption Event
Saturday, July 28th 2007 from 11:30am to 3:30pm
Centinela Pet & Feed
2320 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa
(in the Harbor Shopping Center next to Home Depot)
(714) 540-4036
Come meet some of our adoptable guinea pigs! We will be offering guinea pig grooming services and there will be volunteers on hand to answer any guinea pig care questions you may have.
See attached flyer for more info.
Supply Day Fundraiser – Sunday, July 15th 2007
Need hay? We got it!
***We are now taking orders for Orange County Cavy Haven’s SUPPLY DAY FUNDRAISER on Sunday, July 15th 2007 from 11AM to 3PM ***
100% of the proceeds go to the guinea pigs
Timothy hay is the most widely used of the grass hays. Guinea pigs love the seedheads.
13 gallon flake: $6.00 – a small trash bag full of hay!
4 flakes: $18.00 *get one flake free!*
Orchard Grass is similar to timothy hay but softer and leafier. Mixing it with timothy offers your pet variety and encourages them to eat more hay.
15 oz. Bag of Oxbow Hay – Two for $5
40 oz. Bag of Oxbow Hay – Two for $9
13 gallon flake: $6.00 – a small trash bag full of hay!
*To give you an idea of how much bedding that is, you can clean a 2×3 C&C approximately 12 times! That’s just over $1 per cleaning.
Kleenmama Timothy Pellets, 10 lbs. for $14.00
Oxbow Cavy Cuisine, 10lb bag for $11.00
Nail trimming: $3
Boar “cleansing”: $5
Healthy Pig Check: $10 (includes all above) **
** Orange County Cavy Haven volunteers are not veterinarians and we do not claim to have any veterinary expertise. The Healthy Pig Check is to be used as a guide for the guinea pig owners to monitor their pet’s health. It is not intended as a diagnostic tool and OCCH volunteers will not diagnose or treat illnesses. Please see your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your guinea pig’s health.
Fleece blankets, Pillows, Cozies, Cuddle Cups and other cage accessories available for sale on-site
Place your order by e-mailing cavyhavensupplies@yahoo.com by midnight Thursday July 12th. You will then be sent an invoice.***
*** Paypal is the preferred method of payment, but you can also pay by check. Please make sure the check arrives at least one week prior to the event.
There is a limited amount of pellets, hay and shavings for sale on-site, but you must pre-order to guarantee receipt.
There will be an applicable state sales tax applied to all orders.
See attached flyer for event address.
OCCH thanks you for your support!
OC Cavy Haven Adoption Event
Saturday June 2nd, 2007 – 11am to 3pm
Centinela Pet & Feed
2320 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa
(in the Harbor Shopping Center next to Home Depot)
Come meet some of our adoptable guinea pigs! We will be offering guinea pig grooming services and there will be volunteers on hand to answer any guinea pig care questions.
Click here for the flyer.
1st Annual Santa Rosa Pet Expo in Irvine
Saturday, May 19 2007 – 11:00am to 3:00pm
Free admission!
Featuring over a dozen pet vendors with animal related merchandise for sale and animal adoption groups. OC Cavy Haven will be present with some of our adoptables, guinea pig products for sale such as Oxbow hay & pellets, cozies, and other cage accessories, and volunteers will be on hand to answer any cavy care questions.
Snacks and sodas will be sold as a benefit for the New Beginning Animal Shelter. * Event sponsored by the Irvine Company.
Location: Santa Rosa Apartment Homes at 500 Cardiff in Irvine.
Guinea Pig Adoptions – Sunday April 29th, 1:30- 3pm
Centinela Feed, 3860 Centinela Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90066
– Adoptable piggies, care info, and nail trims
– Please email luv4rabbitsncavy@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
Supply Day Fundraiser – Saturday, April 28th 2007
** Need hay? We got it! **
** OCCH will be holding an emergency supply day fundraiser to replenish our medical fund for the rescue
We will be taking orders for Orange County Cavy Haven’s SUPPLY DAY FUNDRAISER on Saturday April 28th – from 11:00am to 2:30pm in Costa Mesa — 100% of the proceeds go towards the guinea pigs.
NEED HAY? We have lots of it!
*new products!*
15 ounce bag $4.25
40 ounce bag $8.25
13 gallon flake: $6.00 – a small trash bag full of hay!
4 flakes: $18.00 *get one flake free!*
13 gallon flake: $6.00 – a small trash bag full of hay!
4 flakes: $18.00 *get one flake free!*
*To give you an idea of how much bedding that is, you can clean a 2×3 C&C approximately 12 times! That’s just over $1 per cleaning.
The excellent high-quality Kleenmama Pellets … order early to ensure supply!
Timothy Pellets, 10 lbs. for $12.00
*Oxbow Cavy Cuisine, 10lb bag for $11.00 !!! * new product
Nail trimming: $3
Boar “cleansing”: $5
Healthy Pig Check: $10 (includes all above) **
** Orange County Cavy Haven volunteers are not veterinarians and we do not claim to have any veterinary expertise. The Healthy Pig Check is to be used as a guide for the guinea pig owners to monitor their pet’s health. It is not intended as a diagnostic tool and OCCH volunteers will not diagnose or treat illnesses. Please see your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your guinea pig’s health.
Fleece blankets, Pillows, Cozies, Cuddle Cups and other cage accessories available for sale on-site
Place your order by e-mailing cavyhavensupplies@yahoo.com by midnight Thursday April 26th. You will then be sent an invoice.***
*** Paypal is the preferred method of payment. Due to late notice, we will be taking payments by cash or check in person when picking up items. However, please email your order in early.
To find us in Costa Mesa, please see attached flyer or email for more info.
There is a limited amount of pellets, hay and shavings for sale on-site, but you must pre-order to guarantee receipt.
There will be an applicable state sales tax applied to all orders.
OCCH thanks you for your support!
OCCH will be at America’s Family Pet Expo – OC Fairgrounds, April 13-15th
America’s Family Pet Expo is the perfect event for animal lovers and people who like to pamper their pets. The entire site is packed with animal rescues and specialty pet products as well as a large variety of vendors. There is a dog agility contest, a pet tricks show, educational talks, and even a petting zoo where you can make friends with a Llama.
Orange County Cavy Haven will bring our adoptable piggies, as well as a variety of fun items from our cavy store such as hay, cozies, cuddle cups, ‘pigloos,’ cage accessories, and C & C cages. Bring the whole family to the fairgrounds — we will be waiting for you!
For more information about this event and directions to the fairgrounds, click here: http://www.petexpooc.com
Baby Animals Day – Saturday March 24th, 2007, 9:30am to 2pm
Location: El Dorado Nature Center in Long Beach
7550 E. Spring Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
Quack! Quack! That’s right it’s back!
The Nature Center will once again be bringing in the spring season with fun, family and little furry things. The event is held at the beautiful El Dorado Nature Center adjacent to the SPCA-LA in Long Beach. The Nature Center includes lakes, trails, and plenty of shady trees for picknicking. Rescues bring their baby animals, and OCCH will bring some of our adoptable guinea pigs to show off.
Join us for a day of animal education, crafts, and of course our Annual Rubber Ducky Race. Sponsor a duck in the race for $5 and help to restore and enhance habitats at the Nature Center.
Saturday March 24 9:30 am – 2 pm
Free Admission
Click here for information about the El Dorado Nature Center and directions to the park.
Supply Day Fundraiser – Sunday Feb. 11th, 12pm – 3:30pm
We are now taking orders for Orange County Cavy Haven’s SUPPLY DAY FUNDRAISER on Sunday, February 11th – from 12:00pm to 3:30pm in Costa Mesa. — 100% of the proceeds go to the guinea pigs
A PBS television crew from Lassie’s PetVet* will be on hand to tape a short segment about guinea pigs, so please feel free to bring your piggies for manicures and other health services.
* Lassie’s PetVet is a half-hour magazine-style pet care show hosted by respected veterinarian, Dr. Jeff Werber and Lassie, the world’s most famous dog.
Due to a change in their schedule, the PBS television crew from Lassie’s PetVet will be unable to tape our February Supply Day event. The producers are enthused about learning more about our rescue, however, and intend on filming OCCH at a future event. We will keep everyone posted and apologize about this change in plans.
13 gallon flake: $5.00
4 flakes: $15.00 *get one flake free!*
13 gallon flake: $5.00
4 flakes: $15.00 *get one flake free!*
10.5 cubic foot expanded: $13.00
*To give you an idea of how much bedding that is, you can clean a 2×3 C&C approximately 12 times! That’s just over $1 per cleaning.
The excellent high-quality Kleenmama Pellets … order early to ensure supply!
Timothy Pellets, 10 lbs. for $14.00
Nail trimming: $3
Boar “cleansing”: $5
Healthy Pig Check: $10 (includes all above) **
Guinea Lynx Guinea Pig Health Care Books: $8
** Orange County Cavy Haven volunteers are not veterinarians and we do not claim to have any veterinary expertise. The Healthy Pig Check is to be used as a guide for the guinea pig owners to monitor their pet’s health. It is not intended as a diagnostic tool and OCCH volunteers will not diagnose or treat illnesses. Please see your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your guinea pig’s health.
Fleece blankets, Pillows, Cozies and Cuddle Cups available for sale on-site
Place your order by e-mailing luv4rabbitsncavy@yahoo.com by midnight February 7th. You will then be sent an invoice.***
*** Paypal is the preferred method of payment. If paying by check, please order early and make sure your check arrives at least one week prior to the event. There may be a limited amount of pellets, hay and shavings for sale on-site, so you must pre-order to guarantee receipt.
There will be an applicable state sales tax applied to all orders.
Right click and save the supply day flyer for printing: Color or Black & White
We look forward to seeing all of you there! OCCH thanks you for your support.
Cavy Haven Adoption Event
Saturday, January 6th & Sunday, January 7th
11 AM – 3:30 PM
Centinela Feed
2320 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa
(714) 540-4036
(in the Harbor Shopping Center next to Home Depot)
Come meet our adoptable guinea pigs! We will be offering guinea pig grooming services and there will be volunteers on hand to answer any guinea pig care questions.